Unlikely Glossary Project
Oakland Public Library (Nick’s fugitive status: serious)
h3. Rockridge Branch
Snazzy, new, pretty, and not containing quite so many books as one might like. But they updated their science fiction holdings often enough for me to kill many a post-school afternoon there during high school.
- Bradbury’s Something Wicked This Way Comes
- Bruce Sterling’s Schismatrix,
- William Gibson’s Virtual Light
- Sean McMullen’s Souls in the Great Machine.
h3. Main Branch
Big, ugly, ungainly. Stopped by a couple times on my way to Board of Education meetings, mostly. Lots of stuff, but not in great shape.
h3. Lake Merrit Branch
The branch of my youth (3rd-5th grade, ish). A time when, oddly, I was mostly reading non-fiction about WWII military technology.
h2. Berkeley Public Library (Nick’s fugitive status: serious)
h3. Main Branch
Big, beautiful, art deco monstrosity. Good books too, including some rare ones like Bruce Sterling’s The Artificial Kid, which is extraordinarily hard to find.
h3. Claremont Branch
Possibly the place where I first came across the borderland books. Also some cheesy Mercedes Lackey stuff. If so, it has a kickass young-adult section.
h2. San Francisco Public Library (Nick’s fugitive status: probably pretty bad)
h3. Main Branch
Big, pretty but not beautiful, modern art monstrosity. Technologically rich and with a fair selection of books as well. Only one I remember offhand is one of the obscurer Borderland books.
Has issued me a new card (poor, stupid bastards) as of September, 2004.
h2. Providence Public Libarary (Nick’s fugitive status: none)
h3. Rochambeau Branch—Small, recently renovated in a process which appears to have involved tacking a new, modern building onto a perfectly good, older building. Both are attractive so long as you don’t try to look at the whole thing at once. Lot’s of Cussler and Piers Anthony.
h2. Cornell University Library (Nick’s fugitive status: uncertain)
h3. Uris Undergarduate Library
A big, brooding castle-like structure. Rather delightful. I did the bulk of my research on Satan using books obtained here, during TASP. For example, this was my first source of Charlseworth’s Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, a book that turns me on like virtually no other.
h3. AD White Library
The AD White Room, located off of URis’s foyer, is like heaven to me. If I could make my home look like anything I wanted, it would be just this. Catwalks, gilding, wrought iron everything, leather and desks and nifty lamps. Full of bullshit american history texts, though.
- Quicktime panoramas!
h3. Olin Graduate Library
Mostly subterranean, a climate-controlled bunker where they keep the expensive stuff. Pretty nifty, and I’m guessing a good place to be when the bombs start falling.
h2. Brown University Library (Nick’s fugitive status: serious)
h3. Rockefeller
h3. Sci-Li
h3. Hay
h3. Pembroke Hall
This is a library, you know!
h2. University of California, Berkeley (Nick’s fugitive status: none)
h3. Tolman Hall
Tolman is Berkeley’s Ed-Psych library, open to public browsers though not to borrowers. I did an independent project in high school on educational privatization, most of which involved microfiche as this was before I knew there was such a thing as Library of Congress. Swear to god, I had so internalized Dewey that I couldn’t navigate. Good practice for later fiche-based research, though.
h2. See also:
Bookstores, Nick, Andrew