* Andrew (2:02:57 AM): No, I think jherzerpine was coined… * [Andrew] (2:02:59 AM): was coined… * [Andrew] (2:03:14 AM): jeez, weren’t we just both on the bed in your room, and I was writhing around, sleepy and mumbling? * [Andrew] (2:03:41 AM): I’m assuming my inability to enunciate/penchant for randomly vocalizing when tired had something to do with it. * Nick (2:03:56 AM): Ah, yes, you’re right. * [Nick] (2:04:06 AM): It’s only the subsequent interpretation that referred to the rock.

Jherzerpine is a cutting-edge medication used to combat aporia, dyslexia, and general unclearness of communication. The main barrier to its widespread use in everyday society is that, in its current form, Jherzerpine must be injected directly into the scrotum within 30 seconds of the onset of the speech impediment. That the drug is now available in a convenient autoinjector has somehow not resulted in its widespread adoption.
“Get this man some jherzerpine, stat!”
(Note: Scholars are not entirely sure, but it is generally believed that this neolojism was coped in the aftermath of several hours worth of google-based research into the science and pseudo-science behind the movie “[The Rock].” More specifically, the term can probably be blamed on [Andrew] not being able to say the word “atropine.”)
category:in-joke neolojism