Perps: Nick, Chris

* [[Far West Writing Project]]

 0. Students produce rubric in committee

 0. Teachers implement rubric

* PDingus * All students receive an "A"
* Warren * Students choose their own grades * (Warren-cleveland): Students must defend their grade * (Warren-cleveland-clevelandJr): Students can fail to defend their grade * (Warren-cleveland-clevelandJr-ClevelandTheThird): Defense is to the teacher * (Warren-clevland-clevelandJr-ClevelandTheThird-moribund): Defense is to the class
* Cinnamon "The Dirty Dancer": 0 Students construct a rubric using a wiki, as per relatively normal wiki rules 0 At some set moment prior to the beginning of grading (by the teacher) of the current rubriced assignment, the wiki is locked. * (Cinnamon-william): The last round of edits prior to locking are reviewed to eliminate punks. 0 Students discuss the outcome of the implementation of the rubric, and then revise accordingly after the wiki is unlocked. 0 (Cinnamon-raul): Assignments may at request be re-graded under later versions of the rubric. * (Cinnamon-philbert): As above, but rather than using a wiki, rubrics are submitted on paper and discussed in class. * (Cinnamon-phyllis): With decision reached by simple majority * (Cinnamon-phallus): With decision reached by some supermajority * (Cinnamon-orgy): With decision reached by consensus, with failure to reach consensus resulting in failure of class
* Chestnut: * Chestnut-bob 0. Every student produces a rubric. 0. Every student defends its own rubric. 0. Every student grades every student's work according to its own rubric. 0. Every student defends the grade it gives to every student to every student. (Possibility of revision for grades that fail of defense) 0. Every student receives the grade which is the average of the all the grades given. * Chestnut-herbert 0. Every student produces a rubric. 0. Every student defends its own rubric. 0. Some portion of the students are randomly selected. 0. Every selected student grades every student's work according to its own rubric. 0. Every selected student defends the grade it gives to every student to every student. (Possibility of revision for grades that fail of defense) 0. Every student receives the grade which is the average of the all the grades given. * Chestnut-loincloth * As per Chestnut-bob, but students produce rubrics in groups, thus limiting the overall number of rubrics * (Chestnut-loincloth-null): Groups are self-selecting * (Chestnut-loincloth-michelob): Groups are selected after proposed rubric variants * (Chestnut-loincloth-carbunkle): Groups are randomly assigned * (Chestnut-loincloth-sambo): Each group collectively grades each student's work * (Chestnut-loincloth-godefroid): Each group member individually grades each student's work * (Chestnut-loincloth-godefroid-jarvis): Gradees are divided equally among group members.
* Twinky -- any vaguely market-imitating rubric selection process

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