bq.When schoolteacher Edna Krabappel hears the Springfield town motto “A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man,” she comments that she never heard embiggens before moving to Springfield. Another teacher, Miss Hoover, replies that “it’s a perfectly cromulent word”. —WikiPedia
Andrew and Nick have made extensive use of the term following the former’s introduction of it to the latter; they use it in the perhaps nonstandard sense of “possesed of well-formedness” rather than the more obvious meaning, based on the context of its original use, of “common” or “in regular use.” Furthermore, they investigated related terms like “feculent” to ascertain what the root of “cromulent” would be, reaching the conclusion that “cromulent” would be from a latin “croms” meaning “well-formedness” as “feculent” is from “fecs”, meaning, “shit”.