Unlikely Glossary Project
Wiki, Pussycat, Kill, Kill!
- [Description]:
A Wiki is “either a specific type of hypertext document collection or the collaborative software used to create it.” WikiPedia:Wiki It is characterized by:
- A simplified markup scheme designed to streamline editing and encourage focus on content rather than form
- Rapid creation of links between pages, resulting in heavy cross-referencing
- Open editability, either by a group or by the public at large. The latter is more really wiki than the former.
The UnlikelyGlossaryProject is technically a wiki (specifically a Zwiki)), but it is used by about 1.5 persons, so it lacks the communal element that is really the defining factor in Wiki-dom. Wikis have their own wiki culture about which Wiki users love to incestuously naval-gaze in the most delightful way.
While I shan’t get into this too much now, It’s important to note that true wikis should never be analyzed as text. UnlikelyGlossaryProject can, but only because it is not a true wiki; it is analogous to a text of which new editions come out every so often; it has 1.5 writers. A true wiki is not a text but an oral tradition, constantly fluid, and deriving its characteristic life from its fluidity. Similarly, the Vedas have been a text since long before they were written down, precisely because their characteristic life was marked by a perfect fixity, thanks to Pundit-based error checking.
h2. Wiki and Knowledge Creation
Pending—discuss fluidity, evolution, public character of knowledge (Dewey), etc. Wikipedia as case study
h2. Discussing
We want to have something that’s a cross between a Wiki and threaded forum. See Discussion Wiki and Chris-Compliant
h2. [Links]:
- http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?StartingPoints
- http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl